
  1. 代 67
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. The details of this family are private.
    3. The details of this family are private.
    4. 柯清公 字恒白 号柯海潮自传记

      清公, 儿子的 涉公 and 柯涉夫人, was born in 1020年 in 北宋.

      他结婚了 柯清夫人.

      孩子 清公 and 柯清夫人:

      1. 逑公
      2. 泰公
      3. 履公
    5. 祖公, 儿子的 昶公 and 汝氏.

      祖公 had 2 孩子.

    6. The details of this family are private.
    7. 柯裔武画像

      裔武, , 儿子的 璿公 and 柯璿夫人, was born in 1118年 in 福建莆田 and 去世 in 1188年 in 潮阳区西胪镇外乡 at the age of 70 岁.

      孩子 裔武:

      1. 起龙
    8. The details of this family are private.
  2. 代 68 返回页首
    The details of this generation are private.
  3. 代 69 返回页首
    The details of this generation are private.